It's revolting. At least the University in Colorado had the guts to state why they weren't giving him an honorary degree...because he hadn't yet earned it, nothing don't get honors until YOU HAVE PROVEN YOURSELF and have the life experience and ACCOMPLISHMENTS to show you made a difference.
I guess he figured if he spoke there, he would get an honorary degree to add to his other AIRHEAD accomplishments so hats off to the university for 'declining' to grant him some other vacuous thing to boast about that means NOTHING.

If he actually DOES something that sticks and COMPLETES...maybe I'll change my views of him (as if that means anything)...but I saw it from day one and never bought into his Hollywood presentation of himself or his deeds....he is, as we say in Texas, ALL HAT AND NO CATTLE....yippee ki-yay MF!!!
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