"...Jackson's brother Jermaine has said it was believed the pop singer went into cardiac arrest, an interruption of the normal heartbeat that can be caused by factors other than a heart attack.
The coroner's office said there were no signs of foul play or trauma.
Phillips said AEG Live held multiple insurance policies covering cancellation of the shows,
and that some time in February Jackson submitted to several hours of physicals that the insurance underwriter insisted upon, and that Jackson passed them all.
"We had pretty good coverage, but a lot of it is going to depend on the toxicology results," he said. "We need to know what the cause of death was.""
How convenient and smart to cover themselves so well knowing Jacksons reputation for flakiness.
If they collect from multiple policies, I wonder how much more they would get than if Jackson had lived and completed the tour? Hmmm....
And now we learn the sole attending doctor, the one who gave him that final shot that intermixed with all the other drugs in Jacksons body, had serious financial problems as well as a questionable history. Again, hmmm...
I'm a fan of Jackson and sad for his untimely death under such peculiar circumstances.
On a side note, I have always wondered about why he felt the need to become white.
Claiming he was afflicted with vitiligo which is a non-contagious condition where the melanocytes do not function correctly and patches of light colored skin appear on various areas of the body.
Research has shown it to sometimes be linked to an autoimmune disorder and that it may be inherited. Although not considered life threatening, it can, of course, be very troubling for the person who has it.

Wonder if he bleached his entire body for a pinto or mottled effect or just left the body alone and only did the face and hands, which might explain why he always is seen fully clothed.
Maybe someone can sneak a photo of the body...just curious why he would put himself through that, not being able to go swimming in public or go out in shorts or without a shirt like most people do.
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