I like twitter cause I can do quickie news posts or comments which I can later reference for updating KeelyNet, the KeelyNet blog, Hellboxer or whatever.
# I am so pleased w/sweeping changes we are seeing in the vote..keep it going Tea Partiers & everyone who is fed up w/status quo & bama crooks
# Very shortly we should see rollbacks & trying to clean up the mess, restore our constitution & bill of rights, defund FED, Homeland & Wars
# Public lost faith in government, Bingo!; http://www.huffingtonpost.com/huff-tv/arianna-msnbc-2010-elections-public-lost-faith_b_778019.html
# Arianna is right they screwed up bigtime when putting healthcare before jobs & the economy..like SOME OF US have been saying, economy first!
# Many city dwellers & smug norherners make fun of south & midwest, the HEARTLAND of the US, now they see the power & RIGHTNESS of my peoples!
# I'm a big fan of the movie Swordfish; Someone must bring their war to them. They bomb a church, we bomb ten.

# Our job is to make terrorism so horrific that it becomes unthinkable to attack Americans.
# Thousands die every day for no reason at all, where's your bleeding heart for them?
# You give your twenty dollars to Greenpeace every year thinking you're changing the world?
# What countries will harbor terrorists when they realize the consequences of what I'll do?